The product line is full of all kinds of variation in product shapes, colors, sizes, and many other features. Web exposure of the products cannot visualize that whole range of variety, rather choosing to display the sneak peek samples. Product photography most often fails to ensure the actual vibe of the products in the photo. Here come the color-changing services real handy.
The first impression of the customer looking at the product photos on your website or eCommerce site is more important than anything further down the sales lead. Therefore, you would like to display your products with very exciting colors, at least in their true colors. The images without showing the genuine colors of the products end up with low amounts of clicks and interest from the website visitors. Color changing services normally apply to lifestyle images.
The human eye can distinguish up to 10 million shades of color, and everyone perceives each color a little differently. You would like to be extremely careful so that every monitor reproduces the same color you brushed on your product photo. The Graphic Reign team guarantees you 100% color accuracy from their adaptation of a unique color-changing work process they have developed over the years.
One featured image assigned by the product owner and the rest of the job is done by the experts. They identify the area to change through clipping path service and manipulate the sample of same looking items to many colors through a cool standard Photoshop magic. Base color and highlight color balance outcomes to the customer still have their focus right on the product. Graphic Reign experts use all key tools of Photoshop to create a natural-looking color balance in different parts of the subject in the image. This service enables the product/site owner to show the full range of the product colors, also to save valuable time and money from spending for photo shooting in every unit.